Monday, June 18, 2012

I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll help Save the Environment

With so many companies jumping on the boat of the environmentally aware, it's hard to tell who is actually trying to make a difference and who is just using another sales gimmick. Here's a look into some of the "greenest" products and companies to buy from.

Ripe Bistro and Social Lounge
This little resturuant tucked away in a shopping center on Anastasia Island, FL, is a perfect example of an attempt to reduce the carbon footprint while still offering great food at a competitive price. A small chalkboard on the wall lists all the farms and suppliers of the vegetables and meats, up to 95% of which is organic and local. By offering a wide range of fruit, vegetables, coffee, fish, chicken, end even sausage, this company is proof that local sustainable foods are possible.

Dwell Earth

This is one of the oldest ways to make a home, revolutionized for the future! A small machine turns dug out Earth into bricks to make a practical, strong, weather and fire proof building fit for anyone to live in. By using materials just beneath your feet and reducing labor costs, building your home out of dirt is actually cheaper than wood, brick, or cinderblock. And it is expected to last hundreds of years, while a traditional wood house lasts about 70. By the way, it's also soundproof, for all you noisy musicians out there.

Native Sun

The organic grocery store based out of Jacksonville, FL has been suppling local residents with organic food since 1996, long before the "green" hype took place. With a pledge not to include any genetically modified food, artificial ingredients, or pesticides, Native Sun makes the list, owned and operated by Aaron Gottlieb and his wife Erica. They carry a wide variety of foods and products, including meat, produce, dairy, cosmetics, and even ready-to-eat food like sandwiches and pasta dishes. All in all, a great way to stay healthy and support local producers.

These specific companies are just examples of hardworking individuals who are trying to make a difference in the way we live our day to day lives. By supporting local, we place a vote for a better product, with emphasis on the environment and indeed our own health. If you do not live in the area where these companies are located, find the ones nearest you and pledge to be green, without all the hype.

Monday, June 11, 2012

New Technology to Fix the Economy

When people ask themselves "what is it that we as a nation need to do to fix the economy" and only consider the answers on the board, they are bound to repeat history yet again. While many can disagree over government methods of taking care of the problem, others say "we as people can do this ourselves!". It is true that there is a lot of power in the government over economics, but the system was set up for the private sector. Individuals can band together to help solve the problem, and they can do it by embracing new technology.

We've seen a multitude of technology come out in this year alone, and while we can certainly be grateful for our iPads and Google Glasses, other than helping people check their FB statues in less than 3 seconds, buying one dosnt really help out the economy much. However, there is other technology either soon to be around or already created which can help take the burden off the consumers and help create jobs. It's all just a matter of co-operation between consumers and suppliers. By choosing who we buy from more carefully and supporting start up companies producing local food, clean energy, quality craft products and skilled services we can alone solve the economy crisis.

As for the producers, they need to come up with solutions which aren't just the same ole thing in a shiny new package. We need to embrace new ideas for fuel and travel. Ethanol was beginning to take an edge, but at the rate of consumption were at, it's not gonna solve the problem on it's own. However, new biofuel ideas are on the line claiming to have self sufficiet ecosystems which can produce energy by having GM bacteria which convert plant matter into a usuable fuel. If this technology comes around, an absolutely renewable resource for electricity, it could revolutionize the way we see travel. The electric car industry could boom, creating new jobs and making travel less expensive.

Even older technologies could be improved on to help create the future. Nikola Tesla demonstrated "wireless energy" transmitters in 1893, which if were expanded on could completely change the way we view electricity. Everything from household appliances to cell phones to trains could be transformed. You could even use it to keep your car charged all the time, even while you're driving, all with the low rate of electricity. Imagine if your monthly travel bill was the same price as your cell phone's. That, would help the economy.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Fight Cancer with Cancer

Tomorrow, California voters will be voting on Proposition 29, a bill which legates to raise the tax on a pack of cigarettes from 87 cents, one of the lowest taxes in the country, to $1.87. The estimated tax revenue per year will be 737 million. But where would that money end up going? Perhaps the largest contributor of ads backing the bill could tell you.

The American Cancer Society has spent an estimated 7 million dollars campaigning for proposition 29 . A CNN special lasting an hour aired last weekend strongly vocalizing the bill and running ACS commercials at every break. It is said much of the tax money would be used to fund "cancer research", meaning the money goes directly to this company for them to enhance the products they offer. The idea of public tax money going to a private institution has outraged many, though proponents of the bill claim it will radically reduce smoking. While smoking in California is banned at nearly every public place, the lower tax rate is said to help take the strain off of low to median income workers. If the tax were enacted, the ones who would suffer the most would surly be the middle class.

Healthcare in this country has become a highly profitable business, and while we can certainly be thankful for medical science, this writer firmly believes the simplest answer is usually the correct one. To believe this bill will actually get people to stop smoking is ridicules. This is clearly a big business move on behalf of the American Cancer Society to cash out on tax payer dollars. Their success depends entirely on California voters. If yes, the trend of big capitalism mixed politics will have continued to what was the most progressive part of the country. If no, we evade the quickly spreading cancer one more time.