Monday, June 11, 2012

New Technology to Fix the Economy

When people ask themselves "what is it that we as a nation need to do to fix the economy" and only consider the answers on the board, they are bound to repeat history yet again. While many can disagree over government methods of taking care of the problem, others say "we as people can do this ourselves!". It is true that there is a lot of power in the government over economics, but the system was set up for the private sector. Individuals can band together to help solve the problem, and they can do it by embracing new technology.

We've seen a multitude of technology come out in this year alone, and while we can certainly be grateful for our iPads and Google Glasses, other than helping people check their FB statues in less than 3 seconds, buying one dosnt really help out the economy much. However, there is other technology either soon to be around or already created which can help take the burden off the consumers and help create jobs. It's all just a matter of co-operation between consumers and suppliers. By choosing who we buy from more carefully and supporting start up companies producing local food, clean energy, quality craft products and skilled services we can alone solve the economy crisis.

As for the producers, they need to come up with solutions which aren't just the same ole thing in a shiny new package. We need to embrace new ideas for fuel and travel. Ethanol was beginning to take an edge, but at the rate of consumption were at, it's not gonna solve the problem on it's own. However, new biofuel ideas are on the line claiming to have self sufficiet ecosystems which can produce energy by having GM bacteria which convert plant matter into a usuable fuel. If this technology comes around, an absolutely renewable resource for electricity, it could revolutionize the way we see travel. The electric car industry could boom, creating new jobs and making travel less expensive.

Even older technologies could be improved on to help create the future. Nikola Tesla demonstrated "wireless energy" transmitters in 1893, which if were expanded on could completely change the way we view electricity. Everything from household appliances to cell phones to trains could be transformed. You could even use it to keep your car charged all the time, even while you're driving, all with the low rate of electricity. Imagine if your monthly travel bill was the same price as your cell phone's. That, would help the economy.

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